Il miglior abbigliamento da ciclismo per i papà che non vogliono sembrare ridicoli

You’re pedaling along, having a great time outdoors, enjoying the fresh breeze, and then you see it: that guy. You know the one — he’s decked out like he’s in the final leg of the Tour de France. Techno-looking reflective lenses, skin-tight cycling clothing, $500 helmet. As if he’s role-playing a pro cyclist. No one wants to be that guy — and, perhaps more importantly, no one wants you to be that guy.

There are plenty of fits out there that are cycling-appropriate without making you look like you’re begging for a sponsor. They’re stylish, they’re comfortable, and some can even help you boost your road performance, all while keeping it in the realm of plain old good taste. So, what to look for in cycling clothes that don’t make you look like that guy? First tip: understatement. Men’s cycling clothing has a tendency to be tight, flashy, gauche. Don’t fall for it. Choose more muted colors and more regular fits — you know, something a regular guy might wear.

And tip number two: find items that you wouldn’t be too ashamed to wear to the office, or a friend’s. This makes it easier for you to go from the bike to a social gathering without looking like a nut, and makes you look less obnoxious on the road at the same time. We’ve rounded up some of the best, and least obnoxious, cycling clothing a dad could buy.


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I pantaloncini da ciclismo imbottiti sono necessari - Immagine in evidenza

I pantaloncini da ciclismo imbottiti sono necessari?

Il ciclismo, sia che venga praticato come sport agonistico, come forma di esercizio quotidiano o come semplice mezzo di trasporto, richiede non solo resistenza fisica e abilità, ma anche un'esperienza di vita e di lavoro.

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